Friday, June 28, 2013

White Sulphur Springs MT mile 2604

Hot, windy, continued. Left at 7am in the cool of the morning, with light west headwind. Saw 4 sandhill cranes, antelope, and a golden eagle. Stopped and chatted with Paul Wipf, a member  of the Hutterite community in Martinsdale. Unlike the Amish and Mennonites, Hutterites live communally, about 100 of them in this settlement. He asked if I could send him a copy of the photo since he didn't have a picture of himself. He had been making soap, thus the apron and long gloves to protect against the lye. 

Later, as I climbed through the Little Belt Mountains against a strengthening head wind, I ran into the American Lung Association Big Ride, from Seattle to D.C. This annual fundraising trip was smaller this year, just 14 riders and 3 support crew, 12 days out of Seattle. My friend Brian O'Sullivan did this in 2007.

And I went to the mineral spring spa here, emerging from the 105 degree pool like a parboiled slightly rotten egg, but very relaxed.

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