Hot day, with headwind, though sometimes more from the side. Big climb out of Ashland, then rolling open plains. Had breakfast in Lame Deer, in the Northern Cheyenne reservation. Leaving town I passed teenagers and younger kids, some running, some waiting on the side of the road. Then a car passed and stopped, and they explained that today was the anniversary of the Little Bighorn battle--137 years ago. So a youth group was commemorating it by doing a relay run to the battlefield. For the next few hours cars and vans passed me, dropping off and picking up runners. I said hello and encouraged the runners as I went by. At the battlefield there was also a group of Cheyenne horseriders. The Sioux had had their ceremonies in the morning; the Cheyenne in the afternoon. When the runners finally arrived I went to visit them at the site celebrating the native warriors. They included me in their circle, in the ritual spiritual cleansing with incense, and even asked me to speak and join them in their meal afterwards. The group sponsoring this annual event is led by Philip White Man, a very effective speaker who led the prayers and chants and generously included me in this event.
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