Awakened by thunder before dawn, thought it was truck noise but it got louder and the lightning flashes came through the blinds. Got up and went outside the motel to watch. South and east, approaching. Then rain, and I went back in for breakfast.
Let up at 8am, so I walked to store to look for a South Dakota map in order to explore my options. Tired of Nebraska, maybe winds will be kinder to the north.
Dawdle, finally leave at 10. Stop at post office to mail some unneeded clothes ahead to my brother in Spokane. If I haven't used them by now, superfluous.
Wind from north as I head NW. Sandhills quite green, lots of birds. Very beautiful.
At Valentine decide to stop early, too warm, windy, too tired.
Options are continue west toward Yellowstone, or just go north to SD and pick up 1973 route. Wind may make up mind.
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