Strong breeze from the north today, after a rainstorm rolled through last night. Followed the bike path along Rapid Creek out of the city-- site of devastating flood 41 years ago, now parks and a golf course. Then up steeply into the Black Hills, much cooler the higher I got. After 2nd breakfast, eggs and huge pancake, had to deal with 13 miles of road destruction on route 385 -- milled surface, with gravel dumped on shoulder to build it up before repaving. Miserable. After a mile at barely 7mph reached flagman and the stopped traffic. So I asked the people in the one pickup in line if they could take me past the construction. Mark and Connie readily agreed, even though only going five miles, and took me to their very deluxe ranch to wait until they would go on to Deadwood later. Spent a very pleasant two hours on their shaded deck, relaxing.
In Deadwood I visited the Adams Museum, full of gold rush and frontier memorabilia, including the purported cards (Aces & eights, the "deadman's hand") held by Wild Bill Hitchcock when shot in the head from behind in a saloon. The guide said that a witness reported the cards as actually being "Kings full" and Wild Bill lost both the hand and his life.
And approaching Belle "Foosh" I passed a different commemoration of death.
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