Friday, June 14, 2013

Ainsworth NE mile 1835

Cool start today with tailwind from SE and clearing sky. Flat green land as I ride along the Elkhorn river (really just a small stream). Make good time until wind shifts south, then from the west. Stop in the small town of Bassett, hoping for tea and pastries since 11:30 seems early for lunch. All out, but cinnamon buns just went in the oven. So I order a cheese sandwich and ice tea, while I wait for my pastry craving satisfaction. Chat with other customers, who tell me about the rodeo, part of Bassett's 125th anniversary. Week long event, this quasquicentennial ("Q125" they call it).  So after huge delicious bun and still more ice tea, I'm off to the "ranch rodeo" -- roping cattle events; yesterday was the bull riding.
90 degrees and strong headwind tell me I'll be here for awhile. Watch the teams of 4 riders (which often include daughters as well as sons from these ranch family teams) cut out one of the herd, then race around until the animal is lassoed neck and hind leg. Another event is called "double mugging" -- where the animal has to be roped, pulled down, then 3 legs tied. Very frenetic, cattle bellowing their dismay.
After an hour I retreat to the public library and chat with the asst. librarian, Rebecca Bodmer, while enjoying the air conditioning and tea she offered. Meanwhile the wind still gusts, shifting to out of the north! Eventually I leave Bassett to its celebrating and head to the next town where I had reserved a motel room earlier -- only getting their last available room, a smoking room alas.

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