Monday, July 1, 2013

Plains MT mile 2797

Left Missoula just after 6am, cool morning, sun not yet over mountains. Climb up valley for a couple of miles, enter the Flathead Reservation, and then roll down into the flats surrounded by mountains. Follow the Jocko River which joins the Flathead and finally the Clark Fork, which flows all the way into Idaho. After huge pancakes in Ravalli, near the National Bison Range, I make good time going downstream, despite the heat. Get to Plains before 1pm and call it a day, 75 miles. 95 degrees, expected to be over 100 later this afternoon. And it reaches 103 at 6:45.

Liked the signs in the reservation, as well as the animal bridge over the busy highway. But I really enjoyed the gushing spring just before Paradise MT-- piped down the mountain, under the train tracks and up to the road where it pours out; a smaller pipe takes some of it under the road to provide water to the house on the other side.

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