Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bowling Green OH mile 771

Stopped for my two hour lunch break/heat respite at the Rutherford B. Hayes museum in Fremont OH. "Rud" to his friends, "Rutherfraud" to his Democratic enemies after the stolen 1876 election, shades of Bush-Gore 2000.  This was the first "presidential library," not all that impressive as befits the man who ended Reconstruction and restored control in the South to the states, ending civil rights for blacks. Liked the house and shady grove of trees, and the Lincoln relics on display: piece of coat he was wearing when assasinated, and a pair of felt bedroom slippers.
As for the rest of the day, same old story: oppressive heat, strong wind (but not a headwind, more from the side), storms nearby this evening. Worse tomorrow?

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